Participate Perspective Paragraph

I learned so much in the participate quest. I currently teach in a middle school that has a BYOT policy and our students are told at the beginning of the year the guidelines for using their technology in the classroom and the student and parent sign an AUL form. However, this quest emphasized the importance […]

Navigate Perspective Paragraph

Navigate Perspective      This was one of the most interesting quest for me.  I currently use Goggle Forms, Sophia, Remind 101 and my own website in my classroom.  My school has Infinite Campus to maintain student data, attendance, gradebooks, etc.  I had never heard of an LMS system, though I guess in some ways I […]

Navigate 3-1-3 Tools Within the LMS

Tools in Blackboard that are most valuable are the discussion boards, uploads of files, and tests/quizzes grading that were made in Blackboard. I think the tools that are the least valuable is the e-mail, almost everyone has an e-mail account but I do like the socialization where you can have all your social websites in […]

Create Paragraph Perspective

Create Perspective     Being creative in an online learning environment will be a must.  I loved Glogster and made a few presentations for my current class using Glogster.  When looking for learning authoring tools there were many free tools.  The ones I like are Quizlet, Slideshare, and Hot potato.  All three of these online tools […]

Communicate Perspective Paragraph

Communicate Perspective      Communication is vital to the success of a class whether the class is online or in a building.  Students want to feel they “belong” in their class and that they are valued.  As I researched communication in an online environment, I really liked Evernote, and best of all it is free. Evernote […]

Evaluate 2.1.2 Rubrics and Compentency

Using the rubric I made on irbruic for problem solving, and checking understanding of the following standard for competency: MCC9-12.N.Q.1 Use units as a way to understand problems and to guide the solution of multistep problems; choose and interpret units consistently in formulas; choose and interpret the scale and the origin in graphs and data […]

Evaluate 1.1.3 The Summative Assessment Forum

In my previous post, Evaluate 1.1.2 Meaningful feedback, I used a summative assessment on samples, populations, and measures of central tendency that I gave my students via Study Island.  Study Island’s online test are valid and reliable.  Teachers can set different goals for each student to help each student learn each standard is his/her subject […]